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April 5, 2020
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April 5, 2020
April 5, 2020

Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel

A smooth and luxurious finish for doors and trim, Emerald® Interior/Exterior Urethane Trim Enamel delivers a finish that withstands wear and tear and goes on in fewer coats.
5 out of 5
( 5 out of 5 )
Great for wood furniture and cabinets 
 April 5, 2020
 April 5, 2020
" My wife and I painted a bookcase using Emerald Urethane Trim Enamel with great results using brushes and rollers. We have used Pro Classic for trim and doors in the past with good results, but read online that Emerald Urethane was better.
We decided to tackle our kitchen cabinets using the Emerald Urethane. This time, we used a sprayer (Graco X5). I started out with a RAC IV 315 tip. We put down 2 coats of Extreme Bond Primer, sanded and then put down the first coat of Emerald (very light coat).
As I finished up the first coat and we went back to check everything after about 15 minutes, there were quite a few drips and sags.
I don't have a ton of experience spaying, but have done several large projects with good results. I was very disappointed and frustrated. We waited 24 hours and sanded all the problem areas.
My wife did some research online and found recommendations to us a FF LP (Fine Finish Low Pressure) tip. This is a green tip and requires a RAC X tip guard.
What a difference! I used a 210 tip, which produces a 4" wide fan at 12" distance. This was great for the cabinet frames (a little narrow for the doors, but works fine).
The second and third coats went down flawlessly with no runs or sags. The FF LP tip also produces much less overspray as you can keep the pressure very low.
This is great paint that dries to a beautiful hard finish. Highly recommended, but does take patience and some experience to produce great results. "